All posts tagged: rapid prototyping

Let me give you a hand with that prototype

Realize, Inc. Robotic Hand Project


Custom Entertainment Solutions needed a hand with a recent project. The Realize team was excited to be their partner in this venture. Brian Cazzell is the Client Success Manager at Realize in charge of their account. We asked him what made this particular prototype concept so cool.

“The cool factor for me is that these rapid prototype parts are durable enough to use in a working robotic hand.  I think the biggest challenge of the project was making sure all of those channels were clear throughout the entire palm where they needed to route their wiring to the fingers.  I took it as a personal challenge when this client first contacted us because he said he was turned down by at least 3 other Rapid Prototyping shops that didn’t want to touch this project! He was told it was not possible to manufacture those parts…and we made it happen. He was so excited when he received the parts because he knew that he finally found a viable way to produce his extremely complicated model.”

Josh Gray at Custom Entertainment Solutions was pleased with our work.

“Realize came through for us with a new robot hand design that other companies said they could not build. With Brian Cazzell’s help inside Realize, not only did they say they could do it, they DID it, and Brian made sure all of the small features and channels were hand-cleared and ready for us to run tendons through. Very complex work and they nailed it!”  Josh Gray, President, CES.

Here is look at the finished product!


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Realize Client Profile – Nexxt Spine

We are excited to kick off our series of Realize Client Profiles with Nexxt Spine.
Nexxt Spine is headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana. They are a quality company with a very friendly and professional staff. We always look forward to working with them on their projects.

We talked with Product Development Engineer Laura Hoiland about their business.

Laura Hoiland – Product Development Engineer

Tell me about your business?

Nexxt Spine designs and manufactures spinal implants and instruments in-house at our dedicated facility which provides high-quality products at a fair price.

How is Rapid Prototyping used by your company?

We use rapid prototyping to obtain fast prototypes of implants and instrument designs for either form, fit, or functional evaluation. This saves us time and money rather than waiting for a part to be machined.

What services and projects did you partner with Realize on?

For our sterile packaging project, we needed two instruments created in order to design the required packaging. Rather than wait for the parts to be machined, we obtained SLA samples in two days which expedited the lead-time of the project.

We use Realize to prototype instruments such as drill guides, sleeves, and handles that we can send to our surgeon for evaluation which provides much better feedback from a surgeon rather than just sending images of 3D models. Giving the surgeon an opportunity to touch and feel the instrument results in much improved design feedback.

How was the experience working with Realize?

Working with Realize has been a very positive experience and it is very convenient they are located locally here in Indianapolis. When a part is ready, I can pick it up the same day or they will even deliver! The candy in the box always seems to improve our day as well. Kim is always quick to provide quotes and has provided on-site tours to several of our team members.

Where is your business headed in the future?

Nexxt Spine plans to move into a larger facility in 2013 to grow and improve our in-house manufacturing capability to meet the increasing demand from surgical centers and hospitals. More and more hospitals are buying direct from the manufacturer, so Nexxt Spine is continuing to grow to meet their needs.

If you could select one personal item to be created or duplicated using Rapid Prototyping technology, what would that be?

Tough question… maybe some sweet aviator sunglasses!

For more information about Nexxt Spine and their services CLICK HERE

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Realize Employee Profile – Dawn Cazzell

Dawn Cazzell

What do you do at Realize?

I’m  a quality control specialist and take care of all the shipping. I drive the Realize Honda Fit around town making deliveries.

What challenges do you face during a typical week at Realize?

Trying to make sure things are out on time. Some days I’m at the mercy of when parts are finished and trying to meet the delivery schedules.

Most difficult thing ship?

Shipping all of these things can be tough. Everything is so fragile, how we get them to people takes a lot of thought.

How does Realize do things differently than the competition?

I think there is an emphasis on quality. We put out the best product possible. Everyone puts their hearts into what they are doing.

What are some of your favorite things in the world?

I’m a Texan at heart……..I like to water ski. I’m a very adventurous person, outdoorsy. Anything craft related…crochet…the afghan I’m about to finish has been a 24 year old project.

Favorite meal?

My favorite item would be avocado tacos…avocados, lettuce tomatoes in a soft  tortilla shell in Texas…like them best from our favorite taco shack in Portland, Texas. To drink a large sweet tea, love it. And for dessert homemade pecan pie is my favorite.

What music are you listening to right now?

I listen to mixture of country and 80’s, Bon Jovi was just jamming in the back…old school country…the Oak Ridge Boys…and George Strait.

What fascinates you most about Rapid Prototyping?

I think it’s what can be built and how much detail can go into the parts we are making these days…the process….thinking that liquid created these parts…amazing.

You can take two movies with you to space…which do you bring?

Dirty Dancing, The Cutting Edge.

Name one thing you would like to Rapid Prototype?

My cat. His name is Jasper….orange and white tabby. At Christmas time he lays under the tree….I want to always remember him like that.



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Realize Employee Profile – Steve Leisure

What do you do at Realize?

Finishing department – take care of SLA builds. Set up and maintain the SLA machines. We take care of post-curing parts and finishing parts. When prototypes come out of the machines we get the resin off, a rinse bath and post-cure procedure.

What are the different types of finishes you deal with?

There is the strip and ship knock off supports and send to customer style…that is for quick orders.

Standard finish – little more detail, sanding out build lines making it look pretty.

Detailed finish – high end extra steps. Usually paint or clear coat.

Give me an example of a typical challenge for you at work?

Sometimes we are asked to build a part as fast as possible by request of the customer, and if we rush it too much and then don’t compensate time for sanding…we are behind. It’s a delicate balance.

Favorite item you worked on here at Realize?

For one project we worked on crossbow parts. I’m a hunter so that was cool.

Name some of your favorite things in the world.

Hunting and fishing, my family. I have 2 girls 9 and 12…and have been married 15 years. I also enjoy gambling.

How does Realize do things differently than the competition?

Our customer support is the best.

Favorite meal?

Moms dessert cheesecake…its strawberry….side of lobster macaroni from Capital Grille and for the entree any hibachi style food…wash it down with a nice Scotch.

What music are you listening to right now?

Dave Matthews Band…. and I like Sting….

You can take two movies with you to space…which do you bring?

Pearl Harbor, Gladiator….

One word that describes you?


One thing you would like to Rapid Prototype?

My wife…

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Realize Employee Profile – Alan Conlu

What do you do at Realize?

Client Success Manager. I manage a core group of clients and projects that flow through the office. Make sure they are accurate and satisfied. Follow up on new prospects and clients.

What attributes are needed for your position?

Good attitude and work well with a group, you need to perform at a high level. Problem solver and communicate  well.

How did you get here?

I got my design degree from Purdue…worked on industrial design, product development , 3D CAD materials and processes and Rapid Prototyping. Things have changed alot in past 12 years…the market is larger and the technology has taken off…the tech in materials have improved so much.

Name some of your favorite things in the world.

Concerts, working out….weights and cardio..sports…Purdue and Colts…not IU…skiing too.

How does Realize do things differently than the competition?

I think the people and personalities are strong and important. We focus on giving our full attention to customers. Faster service and personal touch go a long way. We strive to stay upfront and focus on getting as much information ahead of time. This makes the entire process easier, there is less email and it streamlines communication and the process for a higher degree of success for our clients projects.

Favorite meal?

Steak…bone in rib-eye…Ruth Chris is my favorite…no butter…ruins the taste and sweet potato casserole with a nice big glass Fat Tire…and for dessert…Creme Brûlée!

What music are you listening to right now?

I listen to rock and rap. But Dave Matthews Band is my favorite and the Black Keys…Flo Rida is great for workouts.

You can take two movies with you to space…which do you bring?

Princess Bride and Wedding Crashers.

One word that describes you?


What elements of the Rapid Prototyping world fascinates you most?

The Idea of generating a real world model from 3D data, translating  and converting that CAD file to something that you can feel and touch. People are amazed at what is possible…things had to be man made in the past and now we have technology that creates using materials and machines.

Any particular  jobs at Realize that stand out to you?

Some of the jobs that we can’t talk about are the most exciting, and that is tough but secret projects are cool.

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