All posts tagged: engineering

The Realize Photo of the Week

Not all of the jobs surrounding the additive manufacturing and 3D Printing industry are glamorous. Sure, we are able to create amazing prototypes out of thin air, but there is also maintenance and up keep involved with the machines and tools used to create the parts! Here is a typical moment during our end of the month resin inventory check.

weighing resin 3d printing

mereedThe Realize Photo of the Week
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Realize Video: Medical Applications of 3D Printing

We have noticed some amazing stories recently relating to 3D Printing and the medical industry. As the possibilities of additive manufacturing expand there have been incredible advances in many different areas, but it’s the ones that have potentially life saving/changing affects in the medical industry we are talking about right now. Realize President Todd Reese gives his take on all the buzz.


*Realize, Inc. is a Rapid Prototype service provider specializing in Stereolithography, 3D printing, RTV Molding, Cast Urethane Models and Custom Finishing.

mereedRealize Video: Medical Applications of 3D Printing
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The Realize Photo of the Week

Here is what happens when we need to finish a build and the SLA machine is low on resin and we are waiting on more to arrive at Realize headquarters. Sometimes you just use whatever you can to raise the resin level and finish the build. Whatever it takes to get the prototypes done in a timely manner. All hands on deck!


mereedThe Realize Photo of the Week
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The Realize Photo of the Week

One of the greatest joys in life is enjoying your favorite candy. Another cool thing at Realize is finding products we created at the store! Here is one prototype we worked on that we spotted in the aisles and enjoyed this week.



mereedThe Realize Photo of the Week
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The 3D Printed Fantasy Football Championship Trophy

We wanted to create something special for the winner of the Realize fantasy football league this season, so we decided to make a 3D Printed Fantasty Football Championship plaque.

The prototype worked out beautifully thanks to our creative staff and custom finishing crew.

It was so nice that we decided to offer up a free download for our friends and clients so you can customize your own trophy for your league.


From your friends at Realize, Inc : Please click below for your download and enjoy!


3D Printed Downloadable Fantasy Football Trophy



3d printed fantasy football trophy

mereedThe 3D Printed Fantasy Football Championship Trophy
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