All posts tagged: engineering

Realize Employee Profile – Dawn Cazzell

Dawn Cazzell

What do you do at Realize?

I’m  a quality control specialist and take care of all the shipping. I drive the Realize Honda Fit around town making deliveries.

What challenges do you face during a typical week at Realize?

Trying to make sure things are out on time. Some days I’m at the mercy of when parts are finished and trying to meet the delivery schedules.

Most difficult thing ship?

Shipping all of these things can be tough. Everything is so fragile, how we get them to people takes a lot of thought.

How does Realize do things differently than the competition?

I think there is an emphasis on quality. We put out the best product possible. Everyone puts their hearts into what they are doing.

What are some of your favorite things in the world?

I’m a Texan at heart……..I like to water ski. I’m a very adventurous person, outdoorsy. Anything craft related…crochet…the afghan I’m about to finish has been a 24 year old project.

Favorite meal?

My favorite item would be avocado tacos…avocados, lettuce tomatoes in a soft  tortilla shell in Texas…like them best from our favorite taco shack in Portland, Texas. To drink a large sweet tea, love it. And for dessert homemade pecan pie is my favorite.

What music are you listening to right now?

I listen to mixture of country and 80’s, Bon Jovi was just jamming in the back…old school country…the Oak Ridge Boys…and George Strait.

What fascinates you most about Rapid Prototyping?

I think it’s what can be built and how much detail can go into the parts we are making these days…the process….thinking that liquid created these parts…amazing.

You can take two movies with you to space…which do you bring?

Dirty Dancing, The Cutting Edge.

Name one thing you would like to Rapid Prototype?

My cat. His name is Jasper….orange and white tabby. At Christmas time he lays under the tree….I want to always remember him like that.



mereedRealize Employee Profile – Dawn Cazzell
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The Realize Process

One thing that’s exciting about visiting Realize is the tour of our facility.

Rapid Prototyping not only sounds like something cool, it’s an interesting process.

Watching the team take on new projects is something special…so I snuck in one day and bothered them to give you this report.

I give you…the Realize process…or at the very least my version of it:)  Enjoy  – Ray


Step 1 – contact

Our friendly client success managers will answer and ask questions to find out the scope of your project to find the best solutions for you, in between group sing a longs and youtube viewing parties of course.

Friendly CSM!

Step 2 – Quoting

We will then work on getting your quote. It’s a formula driven estimate that combines equipment and a human element. And other technical stuff too I’m sure…but could not find pictures of that.

Some serious staged pointing going on here.

 Step 3- Stereolithography process

Once we agree on a direction for your project then we execute the stereolithography process. This is science and art driven. Our expertise will provide the best part in the end. I misspelled Stereolithography several times in this post btw.

NEVER stare directly into the lasers…

 Step 4 – The Machines!

Our machines not only are state of the art, we also have named each of them after supermodels. It’s where science and fun come together in a truly magical way.

Rapid Prototyping has never looked better!

Step 5 – Clean up

The clean up process involves several steps. Removing Support, liquid resin stripped away and a curing process. There are many secrets we can’t reveal that occur during this phase…I could tell you but then I would have to…well you know.

[lenslider id=”d2ed814d73″]

Step 6-Delivery

You will get the finest prototype part that can be created combining technology and the human element…and some candy too!

What is a part, or anything really without some candy?


mereedThe Realize Process
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