All posts tagged: 3d

Realize Client Profile: Indesign

Realize works extensively with Indesign on a wide variety of projects. We are excited and proud of the long relationship we have established with this fantastic company. We talked with Jerry Gotway, CEO of Indesign, to find out how their business uses Additive Manufacturing and where they are headed in the future.

Tell me about your business…

We are an electronic product design engineering company. We develop a wide variety of electronic products for our customers. We do full turn key product development. That means we do the mechanical design, the electrical design, and embedded software design. We  create all the design information for a product then send it to a factory for manufacturing.

How is Rapid Prototyping used by your company?

In our product development process we go through several steps. In the front end of the process we are working on the development of requirements and concepts with the client, then we move on to the detailed mechanical design. As soon as that is completed we need to take that design which exists in our CAD systems and turn it into a working prototype. It’s absolutely critical that we get working prototypes of the designs for us to validate the design. Those working prototypes include the kinds of things that Realize can provide. The Stereolithography models, the cast models and sometimes the rubber parts are needed for the physical elements of our prototype. The critical need that we have is to get those rapid prototype parts. We need to very quickly get a physical embodiment of what we have designed so we can run that through our testing process.

What types of projects do you partner with Realize on?

We have worked with Realize on a wide variety of projects- from medical to consumer electronics, industrial, and they have provided us with parts to support our clients in many different markets.

How has your experience working with Realize been?

Our experience has been very positive. Everything that we do here has to be done very quickly. We have very rapid product realization intervals. Realize has been extremely good to Indesign in delivering parts very quickly. Speed isn’t everything, the other thing that is very important to us is quality. We have received high quality parts using the prototyping capabilities of Realize. Speed and quality are the two things that are most important to us and we get both of those from Realize.

Where is your business headed in the future?

Our company has been in business for 16 years and it’s been on an evolutionary path. We started exclusively in the telecommunications area and now we are into many different industries. The technologies have changed dramatically over time. When we started we were almost all wired types of products, now half of our business is wireless. We are going to follow where technology leads.

Indesign is an engineering design services firm with a proven track record of helping companies develop new electronic devices. Engineering disciplines consist of electrical/circuit design, RF/wireless design, software/firmware design, mechanical design, human factors design, and testing/validation with a strong emphasis on products utilizing embedded microprocessors and DSPs.

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Realize Client Profile: Auto Research Center

Realize is fortunate to have a solid working relationship with Auto Research Center. They are an excellent organization that relies on additive manufacturing to deliver results for their clients.

Auto Research Center is a specialized research facility, which sells time in its various test rigs (such as wind tunnel and seven post rig) and provides design and consultancy services to government/military, commercial vehicle, automotive and racing clientele. ARC prides itself on remaining a competent tier one supplier to multiple OEMs throughout these industries. They also offer scale model development, vehicle aerodynamics and vehicle dynamics capabilities and expertise, computer aided engineering software, vehicle dynamics software and computer modeling programs for the purpose of trackside simulation.  ARC is a worldwide company that is committed to developing innovative solutions in the ever-changing field of transportation.

We talked with Design Engineer Matthew Gardner about their business and how they use Rapid Prototyping.

Matthew Gardner-Design Engineer, Auto Research Center

Tell me about ARC?

We do wind tunnel testing for semi-trucking and consumer car industries and some race car testing as well. We also do suspension testing for race cars mostly.

What is wind tunnel testing?

We get a bunch of test parts and we’ll build the model as accurate as possible. With an engine and a working suspension. The customer will send us a bunch of data on what they want to test. We have to make the model first and then all of these test parts have to be easily put on and off for each run in the tunnel. What the customer is paying for is the time in the tunnel, so it’s really important to get these parts in and move them on and off to find out what works and what does not.

In what ways does ARC use Additive Manufacturing?

It’s really key for us because we need parts fast, because the customer has to take all the test parts they made and send them to us as data. When they have that set test date they their own last minute changes and then goes through their line of bureaucracy, CFD and production. So by the time it gets to us we have to make it in time and get it to them before the test. Realize is key because they can get it to us real quick because you are local. There have been many times when it’s last minute and the customer says, “Hey I know we sent you this data but we really need this, can you make these changes?” And Realize has come through for us many times. It’s really important because they are paying for that time in the tunnel and that deadline can’t change because we have other days booked. So it’s important we get things turned around really quickly and that’s where we rely on Rapid Prototyping and Realize.

How does Realize help to meet your needs in addition to timely deliveries?

It’s the customer service. When I have worked with other vendors they are late and we can’t afford that. So far no other company has been as reliable and dependable as Realize.

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Realize Client Profile: Delta Faucets

Realize has a long working relationship with Delta Faucet Company and we could not be prouder of the parts we have created together over the years. We talked with Michael Connell, Prototype Manager, about the industry and how they use prototypes in their business.

About Delta® Products
There is a philosophy at the heart of every Delta® product: there is a better way to live with water. It goes beyond excellent design to incorporate smart thinking that anticipates people’s needs. From proprietary Touch2O® touch faucet Technology that turns faucets on and off with just a touch to H2Okinetic™ shower technology that sculpts water into a unique wave pattern – giving you the feeling of more water without using more water, Delta products incorporate thoughtful features that delight. Paired with beautiful, inspirational design, it’s another way that the Delta® brand is more than just a faucet. Delta products are offered by Delta Faucet Company a WaterSense® manufacturing partner of the Environmental Protection Agency. Delta Faucet Company is a worldwide leader in kitchen faucets, bath faucets, shower heads, shower systems, Toilets and related accessories and sells products in more than 53 countries. For more information, visit

Michael Connell- Delta Prototype Manager

How long has Delta been working with Realize?

I’ve had a relationship with Realize for 14 years, that’s the longest vendor relationship since I’ve been here.

In what ways does Delta use Rapid Prototyping?

Fit and function, industrial design and market research. We have gone as far chrome plating and finishing and used them in kitchen and bath shows. We test them here in our lab. We run water through them to look at flow.

You have been working with prototypes and additive manufacturing for many years, what are the biggest changes you have experienced in the industry?

The increase in cycle times. A part that I can get in 24 hours from Realize used to take me a week get. Today with the desired speed for getting things out to the market you can’t take that long to get prototypes. Keep in mind we may make the part 15 times until we get the right part we want to build. The technology has improved and it’s really sped up the process.

You have machines in house, how does Realize come into play?

Workload. I’m so busy on my printers. I built three thousand parts last year on one printer. Delta Faucet as a company builds upwards of ten thousand rapid prototypes a year. I build in house, and use Realize and Delta has another in house facility that we send work to. Realize is also helpful when you are limited in materials. My guys may be building snap details with a 3D Printer and the parts will just snap off on them and we want a more durable material. At Realize I can get get a wide variety of materials.

How challenging is managing and maintaining your own Additive Manufacturing machines?

It works three days a week, and the other two days its down! It is a headache. We bought a second machine this year. Not to increase volume, but as a backup. If one is down we need the other to keep up pace and have it available. If I need a part in a hurry most of the time it goes to Realize.

What are your thoughts about the future of Additive Manufacturing and how 3D Printing has become the blanket buzz term used for the entire industry?

Technology hasn’t stopped. Now we are going to be getting direct metal parts off of the machines. I think it’s moving forward quick. There are 3D Printers in stores for less than $1200, but at the same time, it’s not as simple as you think. It’s just not that easy.

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The Realize Q&A with Todd Grimm


The Realize Q&A with…Todd Grimm, President of T.A. Grimm & Associates.

Realize is communicating with Additive Manufacturing experts from around the globe to discuss the future of our industry. We talked with Todd Grimm to get his take on the subject.

Todd Grimm is the founder and president of T. A. Grimm & Associates, Inc. and is its principal marketing specialist and technology consultant. His experience includes 17 years in the product development industry. In that time, he has held positions in sales, sales management, business management and marketing. Prior to starting the company, he was the marketing manager for what became one of the leading rapid prototyping service bureaus.

Where do you see the industry going in the next 5 years?

Still evolutionary. I don’t see any major inflection points happening contrary to popular opinion. We have evolved at a relatively slow pace and I don’t see that changing. I see baby steps over the next 5 years. More people will adopt because the media has drawn attention to it. At the core I really don’t think there will be a disruptive revolution in manufacturing.

There has been a ‘new generation’ of users exposed to AM/RP/3DP over the past few years, along with a huge media buzz.  How do you see this camp and the ‘old school’ camp coming together?

When the new breed starts to be more honest about the capabilities, at that point it will be a natural coming together. When they say, “you know what, there are imperfections.” Instead of trying to position a $1,000 3D printer you bought online as the same quality product as a machine in the $50,000 range. When they are ready to admit it’s a decent tool, and it works in a certain setting, but it has some limitations. Then the sides will come together. Right now, the gap between the two sides is that one group, the experienced veterans, are looking at it from a realistic perspective. The new breed is looking at it with rose colored glasses. Right now there are too many messages out there that you can do anything you want for $1000-but it’s just not true.

Do you feel the “3D Printing” term will become the umbrella term for the entire additive manufacturing industry moving forward?

That horse has left the barn. It’s out and running free! No matter hard we work at making terms. Whether you want to say Rapid Prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, Digital Manufacturing, whatever- is doesn’t matter because the media and the masses will decide, and they have selected 3D Printing. So that is the term that’s going to stick.

You’ve been in the industry a long time.  Is there any moment or event that stands out above all others during that time?

Two technology developments stand out for me. One is in 2000 when we had the birth of photopolymer jetting. That was signifcant. It opened the door to a new way to do the technology. That and the birth of the direct metals technologies.

How would you describe AM/RP/3DP to someone who has never been exposed to it?

Are those people still around? (Laughs) A few years ago when I was traveling and people would ask, “What do you do?” I would just say, “Engineering Services,” and leave it at that. But now I say, “3D printing,” and they are like, “oh yeah! I just read an article on that.” I fall back on technical definitions. So I would say, technology that transforms digital data into physical objects by constructing them on a layer by layer basis.


For more information about Todd Grimm, visit 



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The Realize Q&A with Tim Caffrey

The Realize Q&A with…Tim Caffrey, Associate Consultant, Wohlers Associates, Inc.

Tim Caffrey earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the University of New Mexico. Caffrey was employed by The Boeing Company for 10 years, including four years directing the operation of the company’s in-house additive-manufacturing (AM) services. Caffrey served as plant manager of Plynetics Express—which was, at the time, the world’s largest AM service provider. His 18 years of writing experience includes aircraft engine maintenance and pre-fight test procedures for Boeing, engine case repair procedures for Pratt & Whitney, technical content for the web, and advertising copywriting at Walmart’s corporate headquarters.

Caffrey has worked closely with Wohlers Associates since 2000 on this annual industry study and many other projects. Caffrey’s role at the company expanded in 2011 and has since been working on a wide range of consulting projects. He also speaks and represents Wohlers Associates at national and international events.

Realize is scanning the globe for Additive Manufacturing industry experts to share their views about where we are today and where the future will take us.


Where do you see the industry going in the next 5 years?


The industry will continue to grow in two distinctly different directions. On one end of the spectrum, we’ll see the low-cost personal 3D printers improve in performance, offer additional materials, and drop in price. We (Wohlers Associates) don’t think every home will own a 3D printer though; the more likely scenario is web-based service providers and 3D print shops analogous to today’s 2D print shops like Staples, Office Depot, and FedEx Office. On the other end of the spectrum, we’ll see industrial systems designed for specific applications, specific industries, or even specific individual parts. Speed, max part size, and the selection of materials will all increase. We’ll see hybrid systems that perform more than one operation, both additive and subtractive.


There has been a ‘new generation’ of users exposed to AM/RP/3DP over the past few years, along with a huge media buzz.  How do you see this camp and the ‘old school’ camp coming together?


Initially, these two camps were indeed cut off from one another. One user went to RAPID and to user group meetings. The other user went to maker faires and community hacker meetings. Now we’re seeing overlap at new types of shows, like the “Inside 3D Printing” series. Also, we’ll begin to see new 3D printers that can be used by both camps in the $3,000 to $8,000 price range. These will be purchased by the “old school” companies and by the makers, and that’ll have a unifying effect.
Still, one could argue that these two camps should be separate. They share one thing: layered additive manufacturing. But a $1,000 open-source material extrusion system has absolutely nothing else in common with an electron beam, metal powder bed fusion system in a production environment making orthopedic implants, for example. These two users have vastly different requirements and needs from their respective user communities.


What challenges/opportunities do you feel service providers, like Realize, face today?


In some ways, nothing has changed. SPs need to find and keep customers. How? Delivering a service that is valuable to the customer, delivering something the customer can’t (or doesn’t want to) do themselves.
There’s an educational aspect. Explaining the differences in quality, materials, repeatability, etc. Also, offering A to Z service, from CAD to urethane castings and high-quality finishing. Even a knowledgeable OEM that owns a machine or two probably does not have all these capabilities in its arsenal.


What are some misconceptions about the capabilities of the technologies?


1-That it’s a pushbutton technology. As you know, there’s a lot of work, craft, art, and science required pre- and post-build.
2-That everyone will someday own and operate a 3D printer.
3-That you can make an airplane engine fuel nozzle in a $795 printer.
4-That the industry just appeared overnight.
5-That printing guns is a safety and security issue. Really, it’s just another extreme endorsement of 2nd amendment rights.
6-That 3D printing is a less-expensive form of manufacturing. It’s can be, but not necessarily.
7. That 3D printing is more energy efficient than conventional manufacturing. It can be, but not necessarily. Most analysis to date suggests just the opposite.


How do you think 3D printing can change the way we live in the future?


I like to think we’ll develop into smarter consumers and product designers, and reverse the “Walmart-ification” of retail, which I define as the selling and buying of millions of cheap junk items that break too soon. We’ll see products that are well designed and manufactured, they might be personalized, they may cost more, but they will last longer and function in a better way.
As I said, we don’t think there will be a 3D printer in every home next to the HP inkjet printer. Even people that design or co-design online will still go the the 3D print shop around the corner or click the “Print” button on the online part portal.


How would you describe AM/RP/3DP to someone who has never been exposed to it?


The software slices a computer file of a 3D geometry into very thin layers. The AM machine builds the 3D part by successively stacking these thin layers. Each new layer bonds to the layer before it. There are seven different ways these layers are created, from glueing sheets of paper together to using a laser to melt metal powder. The machines run unattended, but a significant amount of labor is needed for preparing the file and the machine and for cleaning and finishing the parts after the build is complete.


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