All posts tagged: 3d

The Realize Process

One thing that’s exciting about visiting Realize is the tour of our facility.

Rapid Prototyping not only sounds like something cool, it’s an interesting process.

Watching the team take on new projects is something special…so I snuck in one day and bothered them to give you this report.

I give you…the Realize process…or at the very least my version of it:)  Enjoy  – Ray


Step 1 – contact

Our friendly client success managers will answer and ask questions to find out the scope of your project to find the best solutions for you, in between group sing a longs and youtube viewing parties of course.

Friendly CSM!

Step 2 – Quoting

We will then work on getting your quote. It’s a formula driven estimate that combines equipment and a human element. And other technical stuff too I’m sure…but could not find pictures of that.

Some serious staged pointing going on here.

 Step 3- Stereolithography process

Once we agree on a direction for your project then we execute the stereolithography process. This is science and art driven. Our expertise will provide the best part in the end. I misspelled Stereolithography several times in this post btw.

NEVER stare directly into the lasers…

 Step 4 – The Machines!

Our machines not only are state of the art, we also have named each of them after supermodels. It’s where science and fun come together in a truly magical way.

Rapid Prototyping has never looked better!

Step 5 – Clean up

The clean up process involves several steps. Removing Support, liquid resin stripped away and a curing process. There are many secrets we can’t reveal that occur during this phase…I could tell you but then I would have to…well you know.

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Step 6-Delivery

You will get the finest prototype part that can be created combining technology and the human element…and some candy too!

What is a part, or anything really without some candy?


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Realize Employee Profiles – Brian Cazzell

Brian Cazzell

What do you do at Realize?

I’m a Client Success Manager – manage and oversee projects and quotes for clients. Finding solutions for prototyping challenges, helping them pick out material. Finding a different way to make parts. It’s a collaborative effort with the client.

What separates Realize from the competition?

Personalized service and we have an expert level of knowledge. We deliver project management, not just at sale but we are with you through the entire project. Most places seem to be behind the scenes, we are hands on. We assist in picking out production materials. For example a client calls in with an order that will be a polyethylene based plastic at a production level and they are looking for something in the Rapid Prototyping world that will mimic that…we consult and discuss all the resin choices. We try to educate them upfront about price vs quality.

Name some of your favorite things in the world.

Music, electric guitar (Ibanez RG old beater put together pieces parts) and my fav amp is a PV JSX half stack can’t turn up past shakes the house. If you asked me to play something for you it would be Crushing Day  by Joe Satriani. I love motor sports of all kinds. Enjoy watching my son take off  in sports like football and track. I have two boys 14 and 17…one is in culinary arts at high school

Favorite meal?

Good country fried steak mashed potatoes and gravy – it’s best in Texas… really at any  restaurant..

What music are you listening to right now?

Foo Fighters on Spotify was the most recent thing…

You can take two movies with you to space…which do you bring?

Vacation – the original, and Nacho Libre

One word that describes you?


One item from your life that you would like to Rapid Prototype?

My 72 Gran Torino Ford….I went to car shows with my family and bought the car at one so it meant a lot to me….

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mereedRealize Employee Profiles – Brian Cazzell
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